Ask Valerie G Miller a question

Valerie G Miller

Valerie G Miller

Contemporary Romance Romance Historical Fiction Women's Fiction
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Valerie G Miller Valerie G Miller 2 years ago
      • I get up at 4am, check my emails then write for 2 hours. Then I go to work as a high school English Teacher, When I come home I read for one hour (professional development) and edit (I always have 3 prohects going at once. After dinner I research do a course, webinair. On the weekends I do my author business stuff, write articles for my blog and marketing.
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      • Valerie G Miller Valerie G Miller 2 years ago
      • I have been writing all my life. I didn’t speak English until I was seven—my parents are migrants from Italy. I used to look at picture books and make up stories from the age of three (so my mum tells me). I have loved writing, and reading. I have always been writing in some capacity, stories, journals, work newsletters before I became a teacher, blogs and now novels.
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