Book Discussion: He's Back: This hasn't happened, but it could, and there are those who believe it will, one day.

    • Liam P Cunningham Liam P Cunningham 2 years ago
    • Introduction

      There are over 2 billion Christians in the world of whom over half are Catholics. Christians are taught to believe that 'He' will one day return to judge both the living and the dead.
      This hasn't happened yet, but what if it were imminent?
      What if it were beginning to happen right now?
      What if a messenger arrived in the Vatican bearing this momentous news?
      News that 'He was back'
      How would it be received?
      How would The Pope, The Cardinals, Bishops and Priests react?
      How would they prepare the way for 'Him'?
      How would their actions stand up to 'His' judgment, that is if 'He' is coming to judge.
      After all, even they are human and not infallible.
      After all, all of the high ranking officials that top tier of movers and shakers within the Vatican were at one time young men with young men's dreams.
      Are they all firm believers in the dogma they preach, within these Princes of the Church there has to be a doubting Thomas or two and the odd sceptic?
      Add to this a Pope with a little secret of his own.
      Into this mix we add the messenger from 'Him' a humble plain speaking Tibetan Monk a man full of wisdom, strange abilities a twinkle in his eye and a wry sense of humour.
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