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Tasha N Hutchison

Tasha N Hutchison

Women's Fiction
      • Tasha N Hutchison Tasha N Hutchison 2 years ago
      • Growing up, my mother and I would read before bedtime. It was that way up until I moved away to college. But at sixteen years old, my mother bought me a personal computer and printer for my bedroom. She said I'd become a drama queen, and since I loved reading so much, she was sure I would do well with creative writing. So anytime I would act out as a drama queen, she would send me back to my bedroom to write a short story. But I could not bring her a short paragraph or one page. It had to be a completed story of no less than 5k words. After writing a couple of short stories, it became a passion, and I've never stopped writing.
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      • Tasha N Hutchison Tasha N Hutchison 2 years ago
      • If I could do it all over again, I would've thrown caution to the wind to fully submerse myself into all things literary. I've spent so much of my life in corporate America when I should've devoted more time to my passion. If I could give a young person any kind of advice, it would be, chase your dreams, NOT money. Your passions are what fuel you.
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