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Anthony Ordille

Anthony Ordille

Advice & How To Biographies & Memoirs General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
      • Anthony Ordille Anthony Ordille 2 years ago
      • My story as a writer is unique because I did not do so well in English class back in school. If I were standing in front of you, you would see a massive smile on my face. I never imagined myself as a writer, so to be an author of now four books, I am blown away with what one can do when God calls. In 2010, I woke up from a dream that I was to write a book telling my story. I dismissed it, thinking that there was no way that was for me. Then a few nights later, I woke up again with the same impression, but this time I believed it was from God telling me to write. I picked up a pen and a pad and started writing the chapters' titles. After working on the manuscript for three years, it made it to print in the spring of 2013. That work changed my life forever and has given me a whole new outlook on life.
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