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Ol Serbon

Ol Serbon

Fantasy Advice & How To Biographies & Memoirs Religion & Spirituality
      • Ol Serbon Ol Serbon 2 years ago
      • I would like to know what reality is.

        Is the universe just a mental construct? Einstein thought that "reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Well then, what is an illusion? What is real?

        In this lifetime, I would love to grasp what reality is. Is nothing real? Is there an objective reality? Yes, we can all think about it, read about it, and listen to this scientist and that guru, but I want to experience it. To find out for myself what it is, I took a spiritual journey within myself with the help of a psychedelic brew made from ayahuasca. After five years of inner exploration, multiple trips to South America, countless shot glasses filled with ayahuasca, and hours of gazing at my navel… did I get closer to finding an answer to my question? Many layers have been peeled, and many more are left for me to be uncovered. My life has been transformed as the result of this inner examination. But still, I feel that I am just starting to comprehend something about the true nature of this reality and that I need to continue with my research.
        I am returning to the jungle and will stay there until I get more clarity. If anyone else knows a better way to figure out what reality is, please share.
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