Book Discussion: Change of Course: Sailing into Love & Adversity on Caribbean Shores

Change of Course: Sailing into Love & Adversity on Caribbean Shores
(2) $9.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
    • Regina Petra Meyer Regina Petra Meyer 2 years ago
    • Sailing across oceans has been a significant dream for Regina, one which she was able to accomplish during this period. But aside from cruising across the Atlantic on a sailing boat, she was propelled by the search for freedom and the open ocean offered expansiveness and an untethered experience allowing for reflection and contemplation. What do you think freedom meant for her, what does it represent for you and where do you find your freedom?
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    • Regina Petra Meyer Regina Petra Meyer 2 years ago
    • Living as the only white resident in a tiny local community in Antigua was often challenging, eye-opening and thought-provoking. How do you think this experience impacted Regina's views and perspectives in her life? Would you be able/willing to try to immerse yourself in a foreign country and learn about customs and culture first-hand?
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