Ask Pepper Anne a question

Pepper Anne

Pepper Anne

True Crime
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Pepper Anne Pepper Anne 2 years ago
      • If I could invite any three people to a dinner party, it would be Stevie Ray Vaughan, Princess Diana and Patsy Cline.

        I met Stevie Ray Vaughan at an Austin Aqua Festival event in Austin when I was a kid and he was such a nice guy! Not to mention, he was one of the best, if not the best, blues players of all time.

        Princess Diana was a real humanitarian and she was loved by all. Her elegance and grace made her one of the most memorable women of our time.

        I grew up listening to Patsy Cline on the radio. I'd love to invite her to a dinner party, if it was possible, and hear her sing her little heart out, because that gal could really sing.
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      • Pepper Anne Pepper Anne 2 years ago
      • I have always wanted to take a vacation and travel to different bookstores to see what they have and stock up on more books.
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      • Pepper Anne Pepper Anne 2 years ago
      • If I were to change my genre, I would write comedy, because laughter is good for the soul. Plus, I have some great stories that I hope to someday share with others.
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      • Pepper Anne Pepper Anne 2 years ago
      • When I’m writing, my work schedule is all over the place. I can write all day long, or I can stay up all night and write till the early morning hours. I don’t have a set schedule. I write when an idea comes to me and I only stop to sleep, then I’m back at the keyboard until it’s done.
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