Has someone ever teased or made fun of you? How did it make you feel? What do you wish that person knew about you? Have you ever teased or made fun of someone? How did it make you feel? How do you feel about it now?
Marky the Magnificent Fairy is written with the intent of eliciting back and forth discussions with children at home or in the classroom. I had many conversations with both children and adults while creating this book. I am grateful that they were kind enough to share with me their personal stories of bullying, fear, anxiety, insecurities, and handicaps both visible and invisible. The stories were wide-ranging – however the lasting after effect was the same.
But they also shared the kindness shown to them along the way of help, encouragement, support, and love. These were the most profound, healing, and precious memories long held on to.
This book is about diversity, inclusion, bullying, disabilities, kindness, believing in yourself, self-love, confidence, acceptance, positivity, and compassion. No matter what age you are.