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Abby Wynne

Abby Wynne

Literary Fiction Poetry Advice & How To Religion & Spirituality
      • Abby Wynne Abby Wynne 2 years ago
      • I write my books to touch lives, to inspire creativity and to remind people that they have the power within to create change, and to be the masters of their own lives. So literary success for me isn't becoming a bestselling author, it's hearing from my readers, and I hear from them all the time. They tell me the books have changed their way of thinking, have empowered them to make changes, and have indeed taught them that they already are the best versions of themselves. So as far as I'm concerned, I am already abundantly successful.
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      • Abby Wynne Abby Wynne 2 years ago
      • I'm blessed to be my own boss, so I set my work schedule around clients, workshops, etc. I love when I'm in writing mode, I usually clear the decks and dedicate 10 days at a time to connecting to the book and writing it uninterrupted. I also love going away for several days at a time to clear my head from the confusion that comes from living in the city.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Abby Wynne Abby Wynne 2 years ago
      • I don't see it as 'writers block', I see it as something else. It could be that there is something else needing my attention more, so I sit with that, and see what arises within me, and go do it. Or it could be that the connection between me and my book is muddy, and I need to do some energy healing either on me, or on the connection. It could be that my mind is in the wrong frequency to do the book justice, or it simply isn't the time to write. So I have patience, and great faith that when the time is write, the words will come. And they always do! Maybe not exactly how, or when I want, but life isn't about getting what you want, and when you have faith, you get what you need.
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