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C. Elmon Meade

C. Elmon Meade

Historical Mystery Thriller Supernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Historical Romance Time Travel Romance Historical Fiction Christian Fiction Science Fiction Biographies & Memoirs History Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • When you were young, did you ever see writing as a career or full-time profession?
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      • C. Elmon Meade C. Elmon Meade 1 year ago
      • No. Not even remotely. It wasn't until taking a graduate-level Political & Military Geography class in my Senior year at the University of South Carolina that I realized I could become an author if I so desired. While I am no one to have regrets, I do wish I had watched less sports and started writing sooner.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • C. Elmon Meade C. Elmon Meade 1 year ago
      • Absolutely! One of my favorite characters in The Demagogue Wars is an older soldier named Malachi. In the novel, the reader finds out (as Malachi lives it) that the Supply Sergeant and combat veteran has Young-Onset Parkinson's disease (YOPD). His disability does not stop him from defending his home or serving in an integral role for his Idaho band of freedom fighters. Like Malachi, I also have YOPD from two Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) and exposure to various battlefield toxins in the Army. I was forced to medically retire early from the USAF as a Guardsman with the SC Air National Guard.
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      • C. Elmon Meade C. Elmon Meade 1 year ago
      • Yes. I purposely wrote the character Captain Katherine "Kap" Brock into my story for my USAF Veteran stepdaughter. Tiffany, like Kap, grew up as a church-going Southerner, is politically conservative, a diehard Republican, U.S. military veteran, and an "open" lesbian. I have always sought to not only tell stories about diverse characters, but to also show that no one identity group is as homogenous as popular culture, the MSM, and even academia would have us to believe. I dare you to find a novel published in 2022 that has a more diverse group of characters than The Demagogue Wars!
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      • C. Elmon Meade C. Elmon Meade 1 year ago
      • Personally, I think the cover of your book is vastly more important than the title. However, if an author finds him/herself halfway through their manuscript only to realize that the working title no longer works, then do not hesitate to scrap the title. I am very pleased with the title I settled on for my debut novel because it matches my intent for telling this story: to warn of the folly in blindly following politicians/ leaders. All humans have the potential to go astray due to greed, hubris, and/or the corrupting nature of power.
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      • C. Elmon Meade C. Elmon Meade 1 year ago
      • If I were to dream BIG, then I would have to say being invited to appear on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Bill Maher's show or podcast, and/or "share the stage" with Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson, or perhaps Jahannah James via YouTube. Any of these would send me over the moon!
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      • C. Elmon Meade C. Elmon Meade 1 year ago
      • I became obsessed with genealogy nine years ago and the stories I found buried deep in my family tree were incredible, enthralling, and even traumatic. In 2019, I began writing a historical fiction novel about my family tree set in the 1800s with a focus on the American Civil War and the various minority groups within my family tree. The societal and political turbulence of the spring & summer of 2020 resulted in me pausing that WIP and writing The Demagogue Wars.
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