I wanted to explore a question: What would my life be like todau had I come under the influence of a thoughtful, intelligent mentor at the ages, 13,14, 15?
Writing from the gut, then rewriting again and again. Rewreiting not only sharpens one's prose, it causes the author to dive deeper and deeper into the story. Author comprehension of what she/he has written is shallow after only a few rewrites. Depth comes with repeated journeys through the story. I can't say for sure but I would estimate I did somewhere between fifty and one hundred full rewrites, and I loved doing every one of them. It bonded me in the deepest way with my writing. My formula won't work for everyone, but it did for me. Also, working with an online writing group provided me with tons of useful advice.
I am a Pants-er (fly by the seat of my pants) I am trying to do more plotting. I use Grammarly to prevent sillies getting through. But they always do so I edit manually. I also get word to read to me. Silly errors can be heard even though they have slipped though reading. I do a lot of editing but I also have an editor who checks each book out before letting it loose into the wild.