What could be happier than having a complete stranger enjoy your writing? I frequently talk about the book with them and always give them a reasonable gift.
Dan brown, Nicholas sparks and Christopher nolan. These three do a great job of explaining the narrative. The way they break down the scene inch by inch really bothers me. So I wouldn't want to lose the chance to absorb as much information as possible from them.
Yes, I have included several situations from my undergraduate years in my novel. I also included some national news and government programme data in my work.
Book reviews are usually teaching opportunities. Each review makes me think deeply and compels me to write as well as I can, regardless of whether some people will enjoy it and some people won't.
Writing is a childhood activity. Dan Brown's narrative style greatly influenced my decision to write a book as I grew older. I began reading his novels. I took a step forward to publish it globally in response to the advice of individuals who read my unpublished scripts and inspired me to publish.