Book Discussion: Ready For Takeoff

Ready For Takeoff
(1) $9.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Ready For Takeoffby David DalePublish: Oct 31, 2022Biographies & Memoirs
    • David Dale David Dale 2 years ago
    • In 1984, I began a 20-year flying career for the United States Air Force. Since retiring in July of 2004, I have been an airline pilot with Southwest Airlines. A lot of people ask what we do up in the cockpit during flight. They assume we are as busy flying the plane as you would be driving your car down the highway. The truth is, we usually only hand-fly the first and last three minutes of a flight, typically below 2,000 to 5,000 feet. The rest of the time is spent programming and managing the autopilot to do most of the smooth flying, so we spend a lot of time talking. We share stories of our family, our past, our flying in the military, or our backgrounds in civilian aviation. I am fortunate to have done a little bit of everything in aviation, from getting my private license in small Piper Cherokees, flying a hang-glider over Central Texas, navigating a B-52 bomber, and then flying the Air Force’s heavy KC-10 air refueling tankers, and the elegant Gulfstream G-IIIs and G-Vs. One week after my military retirement I began flying Boeing 737s for Southwest. My varied background has allowed me to share stories with a diverse group of fellow aviators, from deployments with military pilots, cargo flights with freight pilots, to carrying VIPs on executive jets with corporate pilots. This book is not meant to be an autobiography or a history of the United States Air Force. It is an aviation memoir of my intersections with history. These are my often-told flying stories from 1978 to 2004.
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