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MJ Hutto

MJ Hutto

Crime Fiction Supernatural Suspense Romantic Suspense Paranormal Romance Dark Romance & Erotica Women's Fiction Literary Fiction Fantasy
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • MJ Hutto MJ Hutto 2 years ago
      • Mary Shelley. Because she is an icon and gave birth to an entire genre of which I am eternally grateful.
        Agatha Christie. She is also an icon and used who she was and what she loved to be even more.
        Neil Gaiman. I love him.
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      • MJ Hutto MJ Hutto 2 years ago
      • I read them and try to take away what will help me grow. It's nice when someone loves what you've written, when they see the soul you've poured onto the paper. And it's just as good to learn how to do it more effectively. I will not be for everyone and that's okay. I hope the ones I am for enjoy the story and love the characters as much as I do.
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