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Derrick Credito

Derrick Credito

Crime Fiction Action & Adventure Contemporary Romance Historical Fiction Literary Fiction
    • Adewumi Adewumi 1 year ago
    • Hi sir 👋
      Well I'm a fan of reading books and I think I have a clue on how you can get more reads and make more sales on your books if you don't mind can we have a conversation concerning that?
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      • Derrick Credito Derrick Credito 1 year ago
      • Selling a book is a constant hustle, especially for independent and self-published authors. On top of that, getting people to actually read a book is asking for a big time commitment. When you establish an emotional connection with your product and your audience/readers, that’s when sales are likely to increase. Book signings are a great way to get fast sales, while promoting a book online can take a little longer. For my first book, I have also been making an effort to get my book into libraries. There’s not as much money to be made in libraries, though some libraries will agree to buy your book, this creating more sales. People who get books from libraries tend to connect more deeply with books, which can lead to an increase in positive reviews, and with that, you can expect for book sales to grow from there. Great question and wishing you the best!
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • When you were young, did you ever see writing as a career or full-time profession?
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      • Derrick Credito Derrick Credito 2 years ago
      • When I was young, the traditional publishing industry was still the only way to pursue writing as a full time career. The challenges and opportunities of self-publishing were only just beginning to present themselves. Writing was what my family and teachers had identified as my biggest talent — and that made me resist the idea of pursuing writing as a career, at least for a while. I was more involved with music, a creative sector that was also undergoing a great deal of change as the 20th century slipped into the 21st.
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      • Derrick Credito Derrick Credito 2 years ago
      • Definitely more! Today's youth have access to the entire world of literature at their fingertips. As a late Gen-Xer, I still remember everything being in libraries and bookstores. Everything is so accessible now.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Derrick Credito Derrick Credito 2 years ago
      • Micro-goals, as opposed to massive and more time-consuming ones, are more conducive to consistent writing habits. It's much easier to avoid burnout if you work on a micro level. A buddy of mine writes five minutes a day, no more and no less. He's a writer, a radio personality, a stand up comic, and the singer of a rock band, and he practically coined the term micro-goal!

        That being said, only you can decide where to set the cap on your own ambitions. When drafting a novel initially, I try to complete 1000 words daily. When revising, I dedicate a week to making each chapter shine, one at a time. Ultimately, designing a timetable and routine within your comfort zone is the best way to ensure your writing goals are achieved without the emotional drain that sometimes comes with a major, long-term goal like writing a novel. For me it's important to not let writing encroach on other areas of my life: I'm a suburban dad and husband, an English professor, a long-distance runner, a bassist in an EDM band who is almost never without a side project. Writing is a piece of the puzzle that makes me who I am, but certainly not the only piece.
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      • Derrick Credito Derrick Credito 2 years ago
      • You can't judge a book by how many copies it sells. Artistic merit can be difficult to define. But to me, literary success happens when a book or story has a certain immortal quality. Still, immortality is also a rather subjective concept. From time to time, I've entertained the idea of what might happen if someone were to read my novel a hundred years from now. To me that would be the ultimate literary success.
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      • Derrick Credito Derrick Credito 2 years ago
      • When I’m writing a novel, in the drafting stage I generally try to complete 1000 words daily. When revising, I dedicate a week to each chapter. Ultimately, designing a timetable and routine that you are comfortable is the best way to ensure your writing goals are achieved without the emotional drain that sometimes comes with a big goal like writing a novel.
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      • Derrick Credito Derrick Credito 2 years ago
      • It is one of the best feelings in the world. Writing a book is hard work, and when someone acknowledges that in public, that’s the ultimate reward.
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