Ask Lucinda Brant a question

Lucinda Brant

Lucinda Brant

Historical Mystery Action & Adventure Historical Romance Historical Fiction
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Lucinda Brant Lucinda Brant 1 year ago
      • Ebooks have forever changed the reading landscape. They offer the reader the ability to carry around an entire library in your back pocket (iphone) or satchel (ipad/kindle). Also, to connect with other readers, and with authors, too.
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      • Lucinda Brant Lucinda Brant 1 year ago
      • I loved creative writing at school. I wrote my first serialised book in my early teens to amuse my classmates in Math class. Each lesson they would get a new chapter. I've been writing on and off for almost fifty years, and been a full time author for around 12 years.
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