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Carol M Mottershead

Carol M Mottershead

Historical Fiction
      • Carol M Mottershead Carol M Mottershead 1 year ago
      • The launch date for my book is Easter Sunday 8th April 2023. The eBook will be priced at a very reasonable $2.99 for a limited period only so don't be disappointed pre-order your copy today!
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      • Carol M Mottershead Carol M Mottershead 1 year ago
      • That's easy. I never dreamt of becoming an author, so when the ideas came to me to write, I had to go with the flow and the flow has given me ideas for a series. I would like to finish writing my series :-) Thank you for asking your question.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • Carol M Mottershead Carol M Mottershead 1 year ago
      • There will always be people who prefer the feel of a physical book. Younger readers today are more used to reading on their devices. Many schools don't even have a single hardcopy of school books so they know nothing more. But in the long term, although a majority of younger readers are likely to use their phone, or kindle or pc or laptop; there will always be those who love the smells, the feel of a holding a book, being able to feel part of the story they're reading rather than scanning and skimming lines on a screen. True readers. True lovers of books. I believe books will still be with us for a good few years to come - long live book lovers! haha! Thank you for asking your question.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Given the chance to live your life again, what would you change about yourself?
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      • Carol M Mottershead Carol M Mottershead 1 year ago
      • Oo... now that's a tricky one! What would I change about myself? I'd like to be taller for one haha! At 4ft 6.3/4 inches people have thought I was a kid for a long time ha! I've always felt I have had to 'prove' myself. I'd love to have been slimmer, I've always been short for my weight haha! These are probably what most people would change about themselves I suppose. I've always been a shy extrovert if that makes sense? I can keep quiet when in groups of people, but start me off on a topic I love and I'm like to Duracell bunny - I can go on again, on again, for as long as I have an audience - and beyond at times now that I've started to write, I just continue on paper! Thanks for your question.
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      • Carol M Mottershead Carol M Mottershead 1 year ago
      • It was July 2018. I was sat watching a TV show called Good Morning Britain with Kate Garraway. One of her guests was a puppeteer I knew (I'm an entertainment agent by day). He thought he was on the show to discuss his recent loss of work. Cancellations of so many bookings all because he was doing Punch & Judy shows. The presenters on the other hand had their own agenda's; they brought onto the show Tricia Goddard as a second guest and confronted the puppeteer of performing shows that promulgated racism and domestic violence. No such thing he tried to tell them. When he was told to put that puppet away, his minstrelling puppet was painted black, he was so frustrated by their interview that he simply said 'I don't understand what the problem is - they're only blocks of wood!' 'Only blocks of wood...' 'Only blocks of wood?' That phrase resonated through my brain for days. Eventually Judy, otherwise known as Joan, or Dame Joan to be precise, seemed to come to life in my mind! Every day I was mithered by thoughts that what if they weren't only blocks of wood, but had once been real people! Or maybe they were still alive! How would they feel being called only blocks of wood? And that's when my writing began. With 'Joan-put on a happy face'. Thank you for your question.
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