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Coral McCallum

Coral McCallum

Contemporary Romance Romance Women's Fiction
      • Coral McCallum Coral McCallum 2 years ago
      • Yes I do. I've been exceptionally lucky so far that there have not been too many that have been too cruel. There was one that was totally uncalled for- the person obviously had not read the book and was quite vicious with their words- and I did ask Amazon to remove that one, which they did. The others I have happily left. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and if you can't take feedback then how do hope to grow and develop as an author? None of us are perfect and every day is a school day. Good ones make me feel warm and fuzzy inside and incredibly proud of what I've achieved. Those twinkling stars really are the fuel for the fire of creativity. Please keep them coming!!
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Coral McCallum Coral McCallum 2 years ago
      • Whenever the flow of words starts to falter a little, I stop writing. I park the piece until I feel ready to return to it. That doesn't mean I stop writing! I'll turn my attention to something else. I'll write flash fiction, short stories, poetry ....anything but the one I'm stuck on. I bought a journal from Paperchase last year called Continue The Story. It has one line prompts at the top of every few pages to stimulate ideas. I've used a few of them over the months and incorporated them as a "Continue the Story" theme on my weekly blog. Another tip and I guess this only works if you write longhand like myself - if you find you can't write, there's always stuff to type up. Sometimes typing up previously written scenes are enough of a prompt to get the words flowing again.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 3 years ago
    • What is that one thing you think readers generally don't know about your specific genre?
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      • Coral McCallum Coral McCallum 3 years ago
      • I think rock star romance novels can have a rather "sleazy" image and readers may expect them to be almost pornographic because it involves rock music.
        My novels are different.
        I am a rock chick at heart and follow several real life musicians' careers closely. Rock stars are real people who just happen to earn a living making records and playing on stage for 2 hrs at night to hundreds or thousands of fans.
        My novels reflect the "real" people behind the rock star image. The storylines show the trials and tribulations of life off stage as well as on stage. These guys have family lives, hobbies etc the same as you or I so I try to show that side of them as well as their on stage persona.
        The Silver Lake series isn't overflowing with groupies desperate for sex with the band members. The Silver Lake series follows their lives, their careers and the love in their relationships.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
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      • Coral McCallum Coral McCallum 5 years ago
      • Oh good question! Do you know, I’m happy being the original author of my own books as they tell the tale I have to share. It’s taken me a long time to realise it but I’m proud of my achievements so I’m content to be associated with my own books.
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      • Coral McCallum Coral McCallum 5 years ago
      • Obviously, I’d love to write a best seller and see it made into a film. For now though, success to me is knowing I’ve entertained my readers. I’ve received so many lovely reviews and messages over the past few years. Hearing that my words have evoked an emotional response in a person, whether that be laughter or tears, is a sign of success to me. Possibly the best compliment I’ve been paid so far came from a colleague at work. She said she had read my first book, Stronger Within and quite enjoyed it but that it had inspired her to pick up other books and keep reading. If I’ve inspired someone to enjoy reading then I’m happy to call that a success.
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      • Coral McCallum Coral McCallum 5 years ago
      • I’ve always loved writing stories. When I was a child, I’d write stories and poems and plays. As a teenager I used creative writing as means to escape from the school bullies. I’d find a quiet corner of the school and spend my lunchbreaks writing. In my 20’s and 30’s I never really wrote much- I always kept my diary going though. I’ve written a daily diary entry since 1 Jan 1982. Anyway, in my late 30’s I found myself with some time to spare (only an hour and a half) every week while my daughter was in dance class so I used the time to write poetry. Then in 2013, after a lengthy period of self-reflection, I decided to sit down and write seriously. When I started, I had no idea that this was where it was all going. I write my first drafts long hand so I literally bought a new 200page notebook and a new pen then sat down on my front doorstep in the early evening sunshine and began to write. That was 8 May 2013 and I’ve not stopped since.
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