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Historical Mystery Mystery Biographies & Memoirs
      • 1 year ago
      • My favorite literary journal is the institute of psychological game and intimacy confirmed to the normative culture that impresses the science to study subjective truth about the source of greatness and the way me walk to the idol in it.
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      • 1 year ago
      • I work 6 days out of fire then I drink water, inhale oxygen and create energy of invisibility and keen sight of atomic wisdom within the eyes legitimacy, that is I see everything around me with my eyes closed but I only see a few things with my eyes open.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • 1 year ago
      • I would only chose decision not capability because life is a way that concludes and death is a light that imagines, this means that we have an engine of genius and a legal battle of reason of love defining the role mystery itself in adaptive cohesion myoptical recruitment.
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      • 1 year ago
      • In my opinion, literary creations view themselves as the remnant of education, that rebirth is apparent to the consideration of complexity in intent and complexion in the evolution of the mirror outstanding the variety of the right reason love exist and is visible to the attributive awakening that expounds upon reality a stable place to look and provide condition upon the contingent pattern and factor in self embracement. This is why the quest chastises the body of its involvement in so doing style renews the midst of game only as a truth without the felonious criminalities.
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      • 1 year ago
      • The individual is left with subsistence genetically infatuated by the allure that equals out to the politically departing creature, this truth destroys what is already inversed in the relationship of a future covered in beauty about the volume within style that syncs circumstances in a religiously contradicted dynamic conviction and origin which conceives destiny to the goal of what we integrate.
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      • 1 year ago
      • I would find happiness in the exhibition that allowed me to arrive at where my dreams took me to become aware of the diversity of the implication that reflective flexibility is the wisdom of no return that mercy marries the reasonable conflict between knowledge meeting truth beyond what we plant in moments doubt and constricted beliefs.
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      • 1 year ago
      • The greatest truth that realized that it was a son to wisdom is known by what it recalls contempt to regain momentous confluence in the possibility of enlightened activated relinquishment that surrender nature before the impracticable statement of self.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Given the chance to live your life again, what would you change about yourself?
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      • 1 year ago
      • I would change the condition of the test that reacquits the the purpose to confide in good as comforting and valuable in and of itself as the end in what it knows is meaning to the truth but efficient without the calculation of a distinctive feature that evidently restores the truthful harmony back to the horizon that only the journey can feel.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • If you had the choice to rewrite any of your books, which one would it be and why?
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      • 1 year ago
      • I would rewrite notation rational in that the truth of the hypothesis would transit into security and all gesture would claim the reason of its liberty rather than not knowing the courage of its ability to inform forces changes new conflict in a truth that never witnesses the knowledge of ignorant reward irrespective of the prophetic perspective regret.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • If you could have been the original author of any book, what would it have been and why?
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      • 1 year ago
      • I am a son to reason, that is the inherent fact of truth in which opportunity and peace in systemic entertaining motion introduced to possibility within the intentions that reformed the character of truth back to itself in the reflective sacrifices of an imaginary life, the love exists after hate follows the least resistant objectionable flagrant approachable. This is why the truth is alive in discerning balance to the significance of the observed occasion.
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      • 1 year ago
      • My writing style is the result of the image that I perfect in pattern, tone, motion, order, movement, riddle, and seldom poetic parable that I learned from the originator of love in the meaning of truth in justice.
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      • 1 year ago
      • The most unethical practice in the publishing industry is its preference to not fear the clarity within understanding what makes life more enjoyable for all. And all beloved matching the promise of what it says it meets in deciding what's new to judgment when the time in everything is desired as an option to the vision that flourishes by the nurture and care that it is given and also by the friendship that it receives.
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    • 1 year ago
    • The addictive objective is that writing deceives in what reality is investigating to imagining theater justice as invented solely by a writers thought ,the real construction of persuasion is definitive in scope and purpose engaging the written story of hope , how has the theatrical conceded notion that something more respectable is valid beyond merit and potential satiation
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      • 1 year ago
      • The reason never discovers the founding reality of the theme for the narrative of dramatic chalvilory is unknowing after the telling graphical stubborn convention. This invisible scene is not magic as the signature insisted would breath comment on the lack of want in society itself.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • When you were young, did you ever see writing as a career or full-time profession?
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      • 1 year ago
      • When I was a child, I knew that knowledge of love was embracing reality brilliantly. That writing as a thesis to the silent voice of truth would bear witness to truth in truth of invisibility--wisdom would correct however, any imagination.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • What is that one thing you think readers generally don't know about your specific genre?
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • 1 year ago
      • The prophetic promise noted that we are one in attitude, the effective individual inscribed character to the paradigmatic sequence. Plot alerted themes discovered in order; this justified ironic ability to become bored, manifesting form, annoyed to an extent and the boundary exhibited principle to a confession of interest while Al the more prepared to ignore the skill from which it committed itself. Loyalty was all the love ever knew was great.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • 1 year ago
      • Wonder is a joy that never grows dim, and writing insight is excellent to a path of rewards that barry the facts of its logic and generative creative remain. This is a block that only virtue can equip and its degree. But it does permit survival amongst the carventous delivery as altruistic as fulfillment completes.
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      • 1 year ago
      • The element that seeks a form of truth to admit that starting perfects the choice that surprises rather than enjoins what is mythical to the specific intelligence that order consequently strives to externally cope. The solution is contingent upon the ideal presentment of reprimanding substance to change the imaginary society into the truest reality.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • What's the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?
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      • 1 year ago
      • The rendering of salty embellishment which exonerates the service that we love and reject unintentionally to fantasy free it only in what's its not understanding but what it repaired before eluding gave neglected hypocritical meaning and essential confusion to a sect of superior decisive reminded objectification.
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      • 1 year ago
      • I would tell my contention to remember the voice that taught rather than the ear that only direct deposited embracement was and always is necessary invested and reported to have a dream that desires the imprisonment to exhibit an escaping statue that fear disappears when communicated substantially with ample proportional correlation is war to a kindred spirit but the soul is impartial dogmas that tradition analyzes of reality submitting to excitement as it is about credit and reengage in the power that wills sufficiency in every question that has and will remain loved but unanswered.
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      • 1 year ago
      • I have been writing for 12 years and I have been honored to learn the truth in self-discipline, that historical tradition is influentially conservative in space, that time reflects within every imagination that begins in unions ethically described as a creation of moral development.
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      • 1 year ago
      • Publishing my first book restored the imperial way of new meaning, some craft that only everlasting metamorphosis can inspire to grow by what it is to itself and by what dynamic that powerful spirit marvels, if at all important is worth attentive guilt to the known teaching of innocent demand.
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      • 2 years ago
      • Literary success is awarded to those who dream and then create the vision that they sustained through time when the key is unlocked then the imagination conceives and births truth to a reality of freedom. This way enables transparency and knowledge of the truth of believing understanding.
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    • Suzanne Picerno Suzanne Picerno 2 years ago
    • Hi there!
      Curious why you titled your book, “Love Exist” vs. “Love Exists,” (with an ‘s’ at the end of Love’.)
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      • 1 year ago
      • I am the reality of the who because love is reason but reason is not loved by the truth in law and attractive states of potential. Either love exists or value encircles the belove, and if only ontological interest is explicated, the love exist as truth amplified by insistent resilience. This intelligent wonder circumvents the rhetorical creation and tacit reflective invention, that before reason rejects its ignorance, knowledge of the existence that time has evolved with a change that preceding convention can not discern is true and real to the energy of a truth of command. This truth however, is customary to the system revealed, which is but a glimpse away from interpretive dialectical sensate focus upon realities.
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      • 1 year ago
      • Thank you for the lesson in spelling and grammar. The reason is love of what it does , what its doing, and what it will do only in the reality thats destroyed, which is hope working in faith but silently appreciating potential and what we have come to know as love.Its easy for love to exists; we see love in everything existence respects as real, yet we still face problems in the world of love and truth. Truth exists just as much as reason but I titled my book "The Reason Love Exist:Laughter Is Living" because I heard the voice itself,that is existence as an elemental reason that calls truth is the truth of knowing knowledge of what is, that thing called reason as the king of wisdom without reality to acknowledge good in itself as a son remaking exist, this means that it didn't take or give meaning to arrive at truth in existence hearing love beyond the waking separated future of myself as love simply calling love exist as a definitive command that's useless to the title among the way of before the name begins we start intimacy (wisdom and truth) in the title that knows do as the miracle of doing the thing we imprison ourselves in love that is wisdom in the understanding of how to believe a reality that hears truth by logic of its reflective reflection of reason, which without contention nor limited intuition becomes like myself calling and then departing potential to see the love exists after and before justification emerges and births itself to its root, this is me saying and titling my book love exist, telling or commanding love to exist without (and all glory goes to yahshua) saying anything to love. In short love exists to conquer and perfect love cast out all fear. Love that can not remember is love incomplete, but love completes completely and by its like less does not act at the oneness of its command to be ignorant ignore the ignorance knowledge of the truth completed son of reason thankfully.
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        • Suzanne Picerno Suzanne Picerno 1 year ago
        • It was not intended as a lesson in spelling and grammar. I am sorry if you saw it as that. I love your explanation here. “Love that can not remember is love incomplete, but love completes completely” sometimes when we remember a love that had been lost or forgotten, we can be in a quandary of what do I do…how do I choose? But does complete love require choice? Or is that simply the ignorance of guilt, of being told to ignore the knowledge of truth completed?? Sarah did have her son as begged for. But didn’t her husband give a child to Haguar(?) first. My point is, when Love remembers after it has been forgotten what does one do if one is in a marriage that isn’t right or is perceived as love incomplete?
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        • Suzanne Picerno Suzanne Picerno 1 year ago
        • It was not intended as a lesson in spelling and grammar. I am sorry if you saw it as that. I love your explanation here. “Love that can not remember is love incomplete, but love completes completely” sometimes when we remember a love that had been lost or forgotten, we can be in a quandary of what do I do…how do I choose? But does complete love require choice? Or is that simply the ignorance of guilt, of being told to ignore the knowledge of truth completed?? Sarah did have her son as begged for. But didn’t her husband give a child to Haguar(?) first. My point is, when Love remembers after it has been forgotten what does one do if one is in a marriage that isn’t right or is perceived as love incomplete?
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        • Suzanne Picerno Suzanne Picerno 1 year ago
        • It was not intended as a lesson in spelling and grammar. I am sorry if you saw it as that. I love your explanation here. “Love that can not remember is love incomplete, but love completes completely” sometimes when we remember a love that had been lost or forgotten, we can be in a quandary of what do I do…how do I choose? But does complete love require choice? Or is that simply the ignorance of guilt, of being told to ignore the knowledge of truth completed?? Sarah did have her son as begged for. But didn’t her husband give a child to Haguar(?) first. My point is, when Love remembers after it has been forgotten what does one do if one is in a marriage that isn’t right or is perceived as love incomplete?
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        • Suzanne Picerno Suzanne Picerno 1 year ago
        • It was not intended as a lesson in spelling and grammar. I am sorry if you saw it as that. I love your explanation here. “Love that can not remember is love incomplete, but love completes completely” sometimes when we remember a love that had been lost or forgotten, we can be in a quandary of what do I do…how do I choose? But does complete love require choice? Or is that simply the ignorance of guilt, of being told to ignore the knowledge of truth completed?? Sarah did have her son as begged for. But didn’t her husband give a child to Haguar(?) first. My point is, when Love remembers after it has been forgotten what does one do if one is in a marriage that isn’t right or is perceived as love incomplete?
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        • Suzanne Picerno Suzanne Picerno 1 year ago
        • It was not intended as a lesson in spelling and grammar. I am sorry if you saw it as that. I love your explanation here. “Love that can not remember is love incomplete, but love completes completely” sometimes when we remember a love that had been lost or forgotten, we can be in a quandary of what do I do…how do I choose? But does complete love require choice? Or is that simply the ignorance of guilt, of being told to ignore the knowledge of truth completed?? Sarah did have her son as begged for. But didn’t her husband give a child to Haguar(?) first. My point is, when Love remembers after it has been forgotten what does one do if one is in a marriage that isn’t right or is perceived as love incomplete?
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          • 1 year ago
          • I saw it as a gift that when appreciated, increases in importance and value because it demonstrated the consequences of learning the definition of justice, which is trust that promises pleasure. Love that can not remember is also love completely revealed and character is the true awakening of love completed by the voice of reason. We chose love because we believe in the inalienable tradition to question mistakes in terms of when we decide that it is the right moment to fall in love and in this way, our understanding grows sense with what we experience as truth in our imagination. This imagination proves the unlimited nature of knowledge and we see that knowledge proves the accuracy of choice simply by the completeness of a decision that reflected eternal security and joy while remains mysterious by the choice to reimagine love. In this way, compete love requires choices, but incomplete love is already a choice at the moment that we decide choice is a meaning in the holy truth of choice in the complete and the completeness of choice in the knowledge of love.
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      • 2 years ago
      • The establishment of writing to inspire prestige and historical genius. The legacy in fact the way literary experts find a sense of balance to aspire toward perfection in honor of what life is not what perception values it to be.
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