Ask M. C. Ryder a question

M. C. Ryder

M. C. Ryder

Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • M. C. Ryder M. C. Ryder 1 year ago
      • Absolutely! It usually comes when I finally have time, for myself, to sit down and stare at that blank white page on the screen. The biggest tip I can give is, don't wait for when you have time carved out to write. Inspiration comes at random times and if one holds it off and waits, it will be gone. Also, don't be afraid to continue to write something you feel is horrible as the end result might just surprise you. Keep on writing, always.
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      • M. C. Ryder M. C. Ryder 1 year ago
      • The sky is the limit as an indie author, which gives me the freedom to write in whatever genre I desire. Although my debut, The Darkest Side of the Moon- first in The Dark series- is aimed for young adult, it's not one size fits all and neither is the series. Also, I have a self-help inspirational book in the works that will be available soon everyone can benefit from reading.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • When you were young, did you ever see writing as a career or full-time profession?
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      • M. C. Ryder M. C. Ryder 1 year ago
      • There was no doubt in my mind that one day I would become a published author. I was waiting for the stars to align when the right time presented itself, which it did. Now the real hard work begins, motivating readers to invest in my craft.
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