I'm big on mental health awareness. If something is too much, change it. If you can't, then take baby steps. Lots of breaks can help. Small things like changing your writing space, or alternating to happier scenes might make a difference to some people. I urge people to be aware of those moments when they need to make a change that is healthy for them but also keeps them going.
Absolutely nuts! I work remotely, but I also have a baby to take care of at home. Most of my writing happens after my kids go to sleep from 11-2. I'm more tired in those days, but I write books quickly for that reason. I finish most books in 20-40 days because if I don't I'll get too tired to keep that up, but also because I have ADD and I will look interest in a project.
When Oceans Rise is based on this moment, at seventeen-years-old, when I decided to go surfing during a hurricane and almost died.I’d been in an abusive relationship. That day in the surf, I got caught in a fierce riptide, and I wondered if it would just be easier to let go. Ultimately, I didn’t, of course. But When Oceans Rise is built around that entire scene of powerlessness and struggle and questioning what I was worth and I started by writing that surfing scene in stormy weather.