Ask Vera Bell a question

Vera Bell

Vera Bell

Historical Romance Romantic Suspense Time Travel Romance Historical Fiction
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Vera Bell Vera Bell 1 year ago
      • Yes, my first experience with Past Life Regression (PLR)! I’ve always had this inexplicable (slightly weird) fascination with Ireland. As long as I remember, I’ve longed for Ireland, even before I knew what that misty emerald place in my dreams was called or why Celtic art and music touched something deep within my soul. Still, as an adult, I approached PLR with an entirely open mind and a sincere intent to meet and experience whatever it would bring. The outcome was startling—a vivid encounter with colors, sounds, smells, textures, even temperature, and my visceral knowledge and feelings that went beyond the immediate. It was a highly charged situation, happening to someone who didn’t look like me, yet was undeniably me, with my entire family present and everything at stake. I tried several times to go back but, sadly, never could. So for several years, I wrote the continuation in my head, until one day, it became so vast and detailed, I could no longer contain it. Chapter Four of my book is an almost precise account of my PLR experience.
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      • Vera Bell Vera Bell 1 year ago
      • My childhood home was a two-room flat, and my bedroom doubled as the family library. Every wall, except one with my bed and desk, was outfitted with an extra deep floor-to-ceiling bookcase. Each shelf contained two tightly packed rows of stunning hardcover books, painstakingly curated by my father. So every day, I went to sleep and awakened in the company of thousands of brilliant stories. They endlessly fascinated me—the authors’ voices, their magical ability to create entire worlds, their ingenuity at beguiling the reader to either root for a character or long for their demise, the unexpected twists, the happy endings. I wanted to do that, too.
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