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Adebola Ajao

Adebola Ajao

Advice & How To
      • Adebola Ajao Adebola Ajao 1 year ago
      • I believe the most important elements of writing are planning, research, and using practical examples. 

        Starting your writing with a mind map to plan out the outline and structure of the book before writing is an important first step. 

        This allows the writer to see where the gaps are and the additional information the writer needs to research for the writing process. 

        The last important element of writing is making your writing relatable with practical and vivid examples to drive home the message being conveyed in the book.
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      • Adebola Ajao Adebola Ajao 1 year ago
      • It feels amazing to be recognized and even more amazing to know that my work is impacting lives. 

        It is the best feeling when I talk about my book to women and their response is "I need that book".

        It feels rewarding to be able to make a difference by providing practical tools to help women maximize their potential.
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      • Adebola Ajao Adebola Ajao 1 year ago
      • I have always loved writing and I have always wanted to be an author but I was not always sure what I wanted to write about. In my early forties, I felt stuck in my professional life and I was looking for more fulfillment. This led me on a self-discovery and self-development journey. Through this journey, I was inspired to write about the principles that I learned were essential to living one's best life and fulfilling one's potential. These principles are rooted in finding one's gifts and serving our gifts to others. Fulfillment comes from service, making a difference in the life of others, and feeling the impact of our work on our community. The principles that I write and teach about empowers professional women to discover their gifts and serve their passion to others to fulfill their own life's purpose. 

        I have been writing for 3 years now.
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      • Adebola Ajao Adebola Ajao 1 year ago
      • Companies / Organizations taking advantage of self-published authors by promising to promote their books for a fee, and getting them in front of mainstream publishers, but do not deliver on their promise.

        These companies are unethical and scam self-published authors out of their money. Self-published authors should be aware of these types of companies and report them to the better business bureau.
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