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Lisa Fox

Lisa Fox

Literary Fiction Science Fiction Fantasy Horror
    • Denzel Omas Denzel Omas 8 months ago
    • Good day, Mrs. Fox. I'm curious to know your opinion on dialogue-driven narratives and if they can still connect to readers as action-driven narratives so I can find the one suits better for my writing.
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      • Lisa Fox Lisa Fox 8 months ago
      • Hi! Thank you so much for your question. I think it's going to depend on the nature of your piece. If it's a very character-focused piece, dialogue-driven can work exceptionally well. Sometimes what is said and how it's said can paint a character far better than description can.

        Dialogue-driven might not work as well, though, in an action-driven piece that focuses more on plot points and/or worldbuilding. It also depends on your story length. Micro and flash can sometimes use dialogue exclusively to tell the story and do it well, whereas in a longer piece, you'll need a balance of action peppered with dialogue to be most effective.

        Leaning in to your objective for the story--what do I want my reader to walk away with?--will help guide those choices. Unfortunately, no one-size-fits-all, but that's what makes it fun, right?

        Hope this helps! And good luck with your writing!
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        • Denzel Omas Denzel Omas 8 months ago
        • Thank you so much. Luckily, mine is a character focused piece because I'm working on survival. Thanks for the advice! I'm glad to find another science fiction author and was wondering if you could give me a review on my book so maybe I know I'm on the right path. Thank you so much once more!
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      • Lisa Fox Lisa Fox 1 year ago
      • Establishing an emotional connection with your readers. Whether it's character based, situational based... good writing makes your reader feel something - whether joy, anger, concern, sadness... Readers may not remember all the details about a story, but good writing leaves the reader remembering how they felt when they read the story for weeks, months, and years to come.
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      • Lisa Fox Lisa Fox 1 year ago
      • Less! I have two boys who refuse to read unless forced to, and it breaks my heart! So much immediate gratification with cell phones and the like.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Lisa Fox Lisa Fox 1 year ago
      • I'm a short story writer, not a novelist... :) But yes, everything I write is based on something that either happened to me, something I read or saw that made me think... There is so much truth in "be careful, you might see yourself in one of my stories!" In my collection, Core Truths, a likeness of both my sons show up in just the first few stories...
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      • Lisa Fox Lisa Fox 1 year ago
      • DON'T STOP WRITING. Do not let life get in the way. I took a "break" for 20 years and regret all that time lost, all those stories not told.
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