Ask E.M. Johnson a question

E.M. Johnson

E.M. Johnson

Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • How do you think concepts such as Kindle, and e-books have changed the present or future of reading?
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      • E.M. Johnson E.M. Johnson 1 year ago
      • There is an audience for persons who prefer to read books electronically. This ability to read the book electronically has brought in a new audience of readers. There will always be some people who prefer the physical book in their hands but many younger readers are very comfortable with having a Kindle where they can carry around all their books instead of having to carry around what I love, a physical book. I think physical books will continue to have an audience but that audience may get smaller as digital readers continue to grow.
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      • E.M. Johnson E.M. Johnson 1 year ago
      • I love history and I would love to write about historical events. My challenge is to see it through the eyes of the person and the period and not to superimpose contemporary values and viewpoints. When I wrote Imperfect Lives, Perfect Grace I wanted to make sure that I allowed the women to speak, to hear their story from their time and place in history. I think truth stands on its own and must be understood on its own terms.
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