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Ryan Hale

Ryan Hale

Crime Fiction Mystery Action & Adventure Poetry
      • Ryan Hale Ryan Hale 9 months ago
      • It has never happened. I have gained no notoriety from my writing yet. If it ever happens, I think I'll be fine with it.
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      • Ryan Hale Ryan Hale 1 year ago
      • An attractive cover that conveys a hint of the content can draw a reader in. It is true that people judge books by their covers. A well known author need only have his or her name on the cover to draw us in. As an Indie author, I have to give much more thought to what the potential reader sees in order to judge my book before reading.
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      • Ryan Hale Ryan Hale 1 year ago
      • I usually begin around 6a.m. and throughout the day and into the evening, cumulatively I spend eight to ten hours working on writing, editing and marketing related functions.
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      • Ryan Hale Ryan Hale 1 year ago
      • I do read them. Every one - word for word. I take the readers comments to heart and I have made some edits as a result. Some I believe are unfair but it truly is in the eyes of the beholder so I try to learn and get better. I have been blessed to have mostly five star reviews so far, and I appreciate them more than the reader probably knows.
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      • Ryan Hale Ryan Hale 1 year ago
      • Vanity and Hybrid publishers who prey on the naivete' and ego's of new authors has to top my list. I fell victim to one that charged me $$thousands$$ and did nothing to promote or sell my book. The greatest disappointment of my life.
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      • Ryan Hale Ryan Hale 1 year ago
      • WARNING: THIS IS LONG BUT WORTH THE TIME TO READ COMPLETELY: When the idea first takes shape clearly enough to begin writing, do so with two-thirds of your energy and imagination. Use the other third to begin your marketing efforts. Ask yourself, "Who is my audience?" Once you know the answer, use that brain power to figure out how to reach them so they will know and anticipate the arrival of your book. Determine what your "brand" is and make certain that every communication going forward solidifies that brand. Are you a clever comic or a serious political pundit? A medical expert or one whose fiction soothes the heart? Be consistent in your messaging and marketing. When your manuscript is complete, send it to be read, edited, improved, and returned to you, and during that time, unleash all your energy and imagination toward marketing efforts. Build the hype and interest into a lathered frenzy among those anticipating the release. Have a beautiful, heart-stopping cover designed that perfectly conveys the contents of your one-of-a-kind message. Release a breathtaking trailer announcing the impending arrival of your book. Put on blinders to avoid looking into the eyes or DMs from marketing experts who have fallen madly in love with your book (though it hasn't been released), and set your phone to block all Vanity and Hybrid publishers who will seek to flatter you as a distraction while picking your pockets. Avoid the far-east "marketing experts" who will do reviews for just $25 and get their 50,000 followers behind your book. You would be better off buying 6 Author Copies and giving them away with a promise of a review. (You would get at least two honest reviews, and six people will read your book). Contact independent booksellers, book fairs, flea markets, trade shows, senior living facilities, grocery stores that sell books - any place you can set up a table with a book display, to meet the reading public in person. Do a 30 to 60-day prelaunch of your book to drive up the interest. Write a lead magnet and post it on a book funnel service to gain readers interested enough to sign up for your newsletter. Write a newsletter and post it on the website you have built for your brand and the landing page setup just for your book. Release the book with a new book trailer that announces the grand opening. Ensure your book is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Lulu, Kobo, Google, Apple, and Ingram Sparks. Brace yourself for the volume of sales. It won't be what you expected but if you did all of the things I have enumerated, they should be decent.
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      • Ryan Hale Ryan Hale 1 year ago
      • I talk about this in my memoir, but I started writing on the first day of second grade. I have enjoyed writing throughout my life, penning poetry for special occasions and home-made greeting cards I called HaleMark Cards. My wife encouraged me to get serious with my writing after the death of her brother in November on 2022. I did and I have enjoyed it very much.
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