I feel as though today's generation is less aware, which is sad; because with the literary arts, be it classic or modern, you will see the facets of humanity portrayed, and it gives the reader a better understanding of the world.
The cover should always have elements of the story, and the title should be legible. The trends and such should not be worried about since trends and fads die. You want the cover to be timeless. As for the title, it shouldn't be long and it should be genre appropriate.
I do read them. I appreciate all reviews and learn from the insights given by the reader. As for bad reviews, I weigh the words said and go on about my day. To be an author one must have a "thick skin".
I began writing since I was young. My first written piece was a poem about cats, and I wrote than when I was six. I've always had an active imagination, so I guess it was natural for me to create stories.
Whether it's 500 words or 5000, even if it was only 50 words, write everyday. And learn the craft. You may be gifted, but the ever-changing market creates an ebb and flow to what is expected in a book.