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Patrick E. Blau

Patrick E. Blau

Historical Fiction Christian Fiction Biographies & Memoirs
      • Patrick E. Blau Patrick E. Blau 1 year ago
      • To be real, I don't get recognized in public for being the author of my book. Frank Peretti or Max Lucado I am not. Yet. As with any author though, when my work gets appreciated it's more than an ego boost; it's validation of what I was seeking to accomplish. I wanted to bring the characters who have already passed away back to life in some fashion, for the education of the following generations. There was also the intent of preserving real and verifiable family history, also for the generations to come. A bare regurgitation of events and facts would be more than a little stale for anyone, so the purpose and the mission of the book had to be draped around an intriguing and interesting narrative. When that gets noticed, for sure it makes me feel like I accomplished something good. I could not have accomplished anything without God's inspiration, understand. This is one of His stories.
        There are many aspects to the story and the characters themselves that have yet to be discovered by any reader so far. These things are hidden in plain sight, so to speak, and when discovered will only add to the reader experience. Some have been found, others haven't. One of the most mysterious of these will be found on the last page of the book. Someday, someone will make the connections and unveil even more to the story.
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      • Patrick E. Blau Patrick E. Blau 1 year ago
      • I strike when the iron is hot, basically. Sometimes writers will tell you that you should make it a schedule thing, and treat your writing like it's your full-time job. For me, that's forcing it. Perhaps if I were in this to make my millions then an approach like that could make some sense. This book will live on after I myself have gone, and that's why it was written. It has a purpose, a reason for being, and if I made a 'work schedule' to write it then it wouldn't be authentic. Some days I could sit down and write three chapters; others, not even half a one. And then sometimes that half a one would get deleted and redone because it was forced. In the end I'm content with the result. I think I found a good methodology for writing. My writing, anyway.
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      • Patrick E. Blau Patrick E. Blau 1 year ago
      • I like to think that I'm at least in the same ballpark with my writing style as Mary Stewart, especially with her Merlin Trilogy. 'The Crystal Cave', 'The Hollow Hills', and 'The Last Enchantment' are three of my all-time favorite books. I've read each one upwards of about twenty times over the years, without exaggeration! She worked minute details into her stories, and I've taken that tendancy and included more than a few hidden details into my own. Certain phrases, character traits, or behaviors can be found in varying degrees within each successive progression in the story. Mary Stewart did much the same thing with her writing style in her Merlin Trilogy. While I can't yet claim to be in her league, she gave me the example on how to get into the game.
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