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Gina  Maria

Gina Maria

      • Gina  Maria Gina Maria 11 months ago
      • Animal loving bookworms need to stick together ♥️! Absolutely beautiful cover. Good luck!!!
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        • Sam Muller Sam Muller 11 months ago
        • Agreed, especially since there aren't all that many of them, not as many as needed!

          I will pass on the comment to Allison who designed the cover and worked very hard at it. We initially thought of having the two main characters on the cover - girl and dog/wolf kind of design. That was my preference. Then Allison came up with this. Way better!
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          • Gina  Maria Gina Maria 11 months ago
          • Kudos to Allison for a wonderful design. I’m sure your design was beautiful as well. I know how much time and effort and skill goes into writing a book, but I am such a cover fanatic. If I don’t like the cover, I’m less likely to choose the book. That is absolutely awful to say after an author has put so much time into their work of art. I added your book to my TBR list. ♥️♥️
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            • Sam Muller Sam Muller 11 months ago
            • No, to be very frank, it wasn't! I guess that is the importance of going with experts.
              I agree that covers are important. In a crowded bookshop, it is the covers that draw the eye. So your preference is quite natural.
              Thanks for putting the book on your TBR list. If you do read it, do tell me what you think. I'm writing the sequel now, so feedback about characters matter. Especially Allii and Spooky and their relationship, as the stories pivot on that.
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              • Gina  Maria Gina Maria 11 months ago
              • I most definitely will let you know what I think of your book! I need to say that it is criminal that your cover did not make the next round. I’m just shocked. However, I will catch up with you once I have read your story! ♥️
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                • Sam Muller Sam Muller 11 months ago
                • Tastes differ, I suppose. They really do. And there are some really gorgeous covers in that 100.
                  Looking forward to hearing from you. I'd love to know if the story appeals to animal lovers.
                  Be safe and well.
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                • Sam Muller Sam Muller 11 months ago
                • Tastes differ, I suppose. They really do. And there are some really gorgeous covers in that 100.
                  Looking forward to hearing from you. I'd love to know if the story appeals to animal lovers.
                  Be safe and well.
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