Ask Arushi Raj a question

Arushi Raj

Arushi Raj

Contemporary Romance Women's Fiction Poetry General Nonfiction
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • If you had the choice to rewrite any of your books, which one would it be and why?
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      • Arushi Raj Arushi Raj 1 year ago
      • All, and I do. After some time has gone, I like to revisit my books simply because even though I put my books through the wringer, there is always something I feel like I can improve. But I make sure to not keep editing my old books but rather focus on writing new ones too. It's all about balance.
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      • Arushi Raj Arushi Raj 1 year ago
      • I became more confident in my ability to write and publish books. With each book, it's becoming easier to go through the process because I have already done it, so now I know that I am capable of doing it. Hence, overall, I am less anxious and more relaxed. Though, I still get teary-eyed every time I hit publish. It's just that writing is such a long and draining journey and too reach the finish line is exhilarating but also overwhelming.
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