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Barbara Woster

Barbara Woster

Crime Fiction Historical Mystery Thriller Suspense Contemporary Romance Historical Romance Romantic Suspense Romance Time Travel Romance Teen & Young Adult
    • Donna B. Comeaux Donna B. Comeaux 7 months ago
    • Barbara, I read the first few pages of "Seeker of Justice" and it is well written. It is so well written that I think you need to seriously consider raising the price of the book. I'm not kidding. Soon as I catch up on my reading, it will be a book I'll read and review. -- Donna B. Comeaux
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      • Barbara Woster Barbara Woster 7 months ago
      • Thank you for your kind comment, Donna. I really wish I could raise the price, but people already balk at paying $4-5 for eBook. I don't want to lose readers altogether :-/ :-). All the best and I look forward to hearing your feedback. Stay safe and have fun reading!
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        • Donna B. Comeaux Donna B. Comeaux 7 months ago
        • Have you subscribed and advertised on BookBub? I have subscribed and I'm just getting started on the site. There's so much to learn there. But here's the thing: they have over 20,000,000 subscribers. Yes, those zeros are correct. What if you offered your book for free for a limited time, then raise the price over the original $4.99? I'm only inquiring because I think you can make more on your book and it will sell once people see it. Share your thoughts. -- Donna
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          • Barbara Woster Barbara Woster 7 months ago
          • Yes, I'm familiar with BookBub and have used them a time or two. I'm on so many promotional sites it boggles my mind :-). I'll definitely stop by BookBub again since it's been a while. Thank you again for the kind words and advice. I'll certainly take it to heart.
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      • Barbara Woster Barbara Woster 9 months ago
      • That I avoid the standard or expected. As one reviewer wrote of one of my work - Victim of Love - it's "genre-bending". Many readers will state that they weren't expecting certain elements in a book labeled as Romance, for instance.
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      • Barbara Woster Barbara Woster 9 months ago
      • No. I didn't even start reading until age 14, when an injury laid me up for nearly an entire year. I was more interested in being outdoors until then.
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      • Barbara Woster Barbara Woster 9 months ago
      • Occasionally, I'll read some. If someone has something less than positive to say about something I've written, I simply remind myself that I can't please everyone and simply remain grateful that those types of reviews are not the norm.
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