Book Discussion: Creating Your First Novel: A comprehensive guide spanning the entire long-term project: from planning through marketing and starting your author business.

      • Hank Quense Hank Quense 1 year ago
      • I belong to several writing groups and I've seen members complete a novel or a memoir then now face the publishing phase for the first time. Usually, they only know about getting an agent or self-publishing. After that they encounter the marketing phase and often this is a complete bafflement. As is the realization that they now own a business. Many times this occurs when they get a 1099 IRS form for taxes on royalties.
        I decided to do something about this situation and this book is what I did. It covers all five phases and then some.Every book you read on publishing or self-publishing ignores the marketing aspects of the project.

        Every book on marketing ignores the publishing part of the project. It's as if publishing and marketing are two separate and distinct projects. Well, they aren't separate projects. They are different phases a multi-phase project.
        And both marketing and publishing books ignore the business side of the project. And business is also part of this multi-phase project.
        My book covers all five phases of the book creation process.
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