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Margaret Izard

Margaret Izard

Paranormal Romance Romance Time Travel Romance Women's Fiction Fantasy
      • Margaret Izard Margaret Izard 1 year ago
      • Over time, while writing this series, I discovered that to have rich characters, a writer must write characters with multiple dimensions in mind. The first is what they say and do. Next, we dig into their psyche and how other characters or the world relate and react to the character. The latter took time to develop, using all those combined so the writer manipulates the reader’s reactions to each character or situation.
        My favorite advice from an editor is, “Your plot is what your characters say and do. Your story is how your readers react.” This quote is my primary mindset while writing.
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      • Margaret Izard Margaret Izard 1 year ago
      • The title and cover are most important. It's the first impression I give the reader, and I want an emotional response. My cover artist, Lisa MacDonald at Wild Rose Press, is fantastic, and we work together from concept to the final result. Her work is stunning, and I love the multi-dimensional covers I have.
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      • Margaret Izard Margaret Izard 1 year ago
      • Before writing, I was a professional dancer (ballet/modern dance) and then a teacher/choreographer for years. I've been recognized for both, and I truly enjoy people commenting on my work and thanking me. It's very rewarding.
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