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Kasia Kain

Kasia Kain

Suspense Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense Romance
      • Kasia Kain Kasia Kain 7 months ago
      • I read every single review from every book. What I don't like is the fact that some sites allow people to swoop in and leave Star Reviews with NO written review. To me that is someone hiding behind their own issues. I don't find it funny and I know for a fact that it does nothing but hurt Authors who work very hard at their craft including myself. I have actually seen new authors give up because of it and there is no excuse for any site not backing and protecting the authors that make them a lot of money. Fair is fair and I believe that it should be banned on all sites. If you want to leave stars, you need to identify yourself. I always email the 5 star people that have left reviews because they are on my ARC team. If it is below that, I also email them and ask them why. Unfortunately you can't please everyone. I tell reviewers if you can't get into the book, please withdraw from the review process because not every book is for every body!
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      • Kasia Kain Kasia Kain 7 months ago
      • I truly believe your trope list is the first element and start of an awesome book. It lays it all out and then you have the city and state where you are going to base the entire book on. Then you have to name your characters and how many others are going to be involved besides the 2 main characters. You also have to get into the minds of your characters and live what you are writing. It can be very emotional at times but the more you re-read the scenes the better the writing becomes. I am guilty of reading each book 4 to 6 times from start to finish to make sure every element comes together for the reader. I hope when each person reads my book that all the elements have come together for them and they love each book. Not everyone gets into an author's particular writing but you hope for the best and just keep moving forward.
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