Book Discussion: Prophet Reborn (Perfect Prophet Book 2)

Prophet Reborn (Perfect Prophet Book 2)
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Prophet Reborn (Perfect Prophet Book 2)by Diane M. JohnsonPublish: Jul 24, 2020Series: Perfect ProphetThriller Suspense Supernatural Suspense Christian Fiction Horror
      • Diane M. Johnson Diane M. Johnson 1 year ago
      • What surprised me the most while writing this sequel to Perfect Prophet was where it took me. I didn't want to rehash the same story from book one with slightly different challenges. I really wanted to do a 180 degree turn with this one, and the ending of the first book opened me up for that option. Without mentioning too many spoilers, Alec, the death metal atheist who is the focus of a Satanic cult in the first book, becomes the focus of a new group of fans: Evangelical Christians.

        I surprised myself when I found ways to flip the narrative for both the protagonist Alec, and the antagonist Lucas--who had a purpose as a Satanic cult leader in the first book, and now is floundering to find his purpose as a Christian. This second book focuses more on Lucas, and I was happy to flesh out his character. Because Lucas is a villain; and a sociopath. But maybe--just maybe he has the potential to become a hero.

        Feel free to read Prophet Reborn, the sequel to Perfect Prophet, and tell us what surprised you the most (spoiler free, of course ;). )
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