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Rob Neto

Rob Neto

Thriller Suspense Action & Adventure Advice & How To
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Rob Neto Rob Neto 1 year ago
      • Definitely! I experienced it with several of my first attempts at writing. I began my debut novel back in 2011 or 12. I wrote more than half of it before I hit writer's block. I then got involved with writing and publishing my non-fiction book. Then I released a 2nd edition to the non-fiction book, which ended up being more than twice the length of the 1st edition. After that I decided it was time to pull out that original manuscript and finish the book. I had attempted to do it a few times over the previous years but still couldn't figure out how to end it. I finally had it come to me in 2023 and finished it. I tackled another book I had been working on and finished that as well. When you hit writer's block, put it aside for a while, maybe not 11-12 years like I did, but it does help to put it aside and focus on something else. It will eventually come to you.
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      • Rob Neto Rob Neto 1 year ago
      • Yes, I read every review. I use the constructive reviews to improve my writing and try to give my readers what they want. I've also received some revenge reviews. I use those to promote my books as well. Even a bad review can be used to sell books!
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      • Rob Neto Rob Neto 1 year ago
      • I've always been an avid reader. I've also taught a variety of classes and subjects over the years. My first book, a non-fiction book was published in 2015. This was an extension of the teaching I had been doing at the time. Prior to that, I had started writing a couple of books. I finally decided to complete one of those books and published it in 2023. I'd say I've been writing for almost 20 years now.
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