First of all, Happy Belated Birthday. Second, I also saw your book on Goodreads and noticed a 3-star rating and read it. I've shelved your book to read it, but I want to know if you ever addressed the 3-star rater's concerns. Please read the 3-star rating and let me know. There's only one 3-star rating on Goodreads, so it should be easy to find. Thank you. -- Donna
I could not, for the life of me, figure how to respond to your question.
First of all, I sincerely appreciate your interest in my book. It is an honor when someone considers our books.
I also, like with any respectful, thoughtful review, appreciate the 3-star review (yes, I had seen it. LOL).
Any feedback is valuable. To me, anyway. And this review was offered honestly, in good faith, by a reader who honored me by reading my story.
The concerns mentioned in it were more personal, stylistic choices that, for me, served my story and my vision of the world in which I set it.
If you choose not to read my book, I will not be offended and will STILL be honored to know you had considered it.
And, again, thank you for reaching out with your question. Best of luck in your writing journey!
Thanks for your response. I have shelved your book on Goodreads with the intent to read it later. I have 9 books I want to read. I'm also self-promoting my book which is taking a lot of time. And I'm getting anxious to rewrite a novel I'm working on. -- Donna