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M. Lee Prescott

M. Lee Prescott

Mystery Contemporary Romance Historical Fiction Women's Fiction
      • M. Lee Prescott M. Lee Prescott 5 years ago
      • My schedule is all over the place because I have another full-time job. I try to write for 3-4 hours every day when I'm able to write full-time, sometimes longer if I'm nearing the end of a project.
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      • M. Lee Prescott M. Lee Prescott 5 years ago
      • Good covers are essential in conveying the tone and substance of a book. I am fortunate to have an amazing cover artist who creates the most beautiful covers. They make such a difference! Titles also express tone and substance. Each of my series has a different take on covers and titles that "brand" them. The "Silence" mysteries all have "silence" in their titles and this relates to themes in these stories. Morgan's Run and Morgan's Fire use one of the main characters' names. I started this with Emma's Dream and thankfully it seems to fit these stories which are about family and relationships that connect us all.
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      • M. Lee Prescott M. Lee Prescott 5 years ago
      • Yes, I read my book reviews-- the good, bad and everything in between. It is sometimes heart wrenching to know that my book has touched someone so deeply. They make me smile -- all kinds of reviews! When I read a negative one, I chalk it up to poor match between reader and book and move on. I write books and stories that I love and I hear from countless readers about how much they love them. When someone doesn't? Find a different kind of book would be my suggestion.
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      • M. Lee Prescott M. Lee Prescott 5 years ago
      • To me literary success means creating a wonderful story and hearing from readers about how it touched them, made them laugh, cry and everything in between. There's nothing like it!
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