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Bethany Rosa

Bethany Rosa

      • Bethany Rosa Bethany Rosa 4 months ago
      • Natural flow and sentence structure. Writing how we talk. Leaving something in your story that the
        reader wants and not giving it to them until the end. I get bored, so when I’m reading a book and have
        nothing to look forward to, I go to the next book and start over. Another key is not having grammatical
        errors. I can’t handle it. I will usually put a book down if I get to a third.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 months ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Bethany Rosa Bethany Rosa 4 months ago
      • I have, and I think it comes more from procrastination. If I get stuck, I put it off, but if I just force
        myself to power through, I can go back and change it later. I have not perfected that discipline
        yet and will go a few days at a time without writing, then beat myself up about it.
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