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Amber Daulton

Amber Daulton

Contemporary Romance Historical Romance Romantic Suspense New Adult Romance Paranormal Romance Romance Erotic Romance Time Travel Romance
      • Amber Daulton Amber Daulton 5 years ago
      • I'm an avid romance fan, but I really like crime thriller and sci-fi as well. If I would try to write in one of those other genres, I would still probably add a love interest for the main character, but the romance would only be a subplot. As of now, I have no plans to leave the romance genre behind.
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      • Amber Daulton Amber Daulton 5 years ago
      • Read books that were published in the same year that you were writing.
        You see, when I first started writing back in the late '90s and 2000s (as a teenager), I was reading books published in the 1980s. The writing styles that were accepted back then are frowned upon now, but that was how I taught myself to write. I didn't realize passive voice and headhopping was no longer deemed "correct," so now I've become crazy strict in writing active and using proper scene breaks when switching character POV.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Amber Daulton Amber Daulton 5 years ago
      • Just keep trying even when you’re feeling bad about yourself and the quality of your work. No one is perfect. Don’t rush a project; give it the love and attention it needs to be the best it can be. You as the writer, the book itself, and the readers deserve it.
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      • Amber Daulton Amber Daulton 5 years ago
      • I read my first romance book when I was 12 after I snuck a Harlequin paperback out of my mom’s bedroom. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, and I wanted to create my own story about two people having an adventure and falling in love. I wrote with pencil in a spiral-bound notebook and finished that 200-plus page story in about six months.
        I published my first book when I was 26, and Lyrical Embrace, my latest story, is now my eleventh book to date. I have about ten more manuscripts on my computer waiting to see the light of day.
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