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PE Kavanagh

PE Kavanagh

Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense Romance Erotic Romance Women's Fiction
      • PE Kavanagh PE Kavanagh 5 years ago
      • Crafting a compelling story can be very challenging, requiring bottomless patience, persistence and stamina. Harder still is what comes after.

        It’s hard as hell. The skill set is nearly endless. For a long time, there can be intense financial constraints. The momentum needed to see a project to its end can feel impossible.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • What is that one thing you think readers generally don't know about your specific genre?
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      • PE Kavanagh PE Kavanagh 5 years ago
      • I'm completely obsessed with the human mind and spirit, which I’ve been studying for at least twenty years. I also think that the greatest incubator for human development is the intimate relationship, so all my stories (so far) include that element. They sometimes veer quite a bit toward psychological fiction, but I love the central theme of a love story.
I understand the desire to escape to these worlds as well as the desire to see ourselves in the flawed and lovable heroes and heroines. Romance tells me, over and over, that so many more things are possible than what I might find in my ordinary life. It is exciting, inspiring, and emotionally satisfying.

        Unlike many authors I talk to, I'm rarely happier than when I get to write about some sexy time. Writing a fight scene or a chase scene would have me hitting my head against a wall. But a sex scene puts a big, fat smile across my face.
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      • PE Kavanagh PE Kavanagh 5 years ago
      • I don’t follow a set schedule, primarily because my life – as a bicoastal mother and business owner - is fairly chaotic. Sometimes I write just a few hundred words, or spend time cleaning up pieces prior to publication. Then there are periods where I'm cranking out 10,000 words or more a day. I follow the rhythms of my body and my creative uprisings. Thankfully, they always come. My MacBook Air is never farther than arm’s reach away.

        As for creative process, I have been shifting, with each manuscript, from hardcore, determined ‘pantsing’ to allowing more and more plotting earlier in the process. As opposed to strangling my creative flow (which I had assumed in the beginning), understanding structure is allowing me to create much more cohesive and coherent work. So, after the typically messy first draft is done, I then start applying an overlay of 3- or 5-act structure to the whole thing. It’s like making a huge sheet cake, then carving it to resemble a landscape. Or a face.
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      • PE Kavanagh PE Kavanagh 5 years ago
      • hat’s so hard to answer! I began writing non-fiction, inspirational articles for my spiritual community almost twenty years ago. Storytelling comes naturally for me and I always infused these lessons with a narrative quality. My first exploits in fiction happened much later and culminated in my doing NaNoWriMo (on a dare!). Before that point, I had only written very short pieces and did not anticipate ever being able to sustain a novel-length work. That NaNo project, through years of revision and rewriting, became my very first novel.
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