Ask Faye Bryant a question

Faye Bryant

Faye Bryant

Historical Fiction Christian Fiction General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Faye Bryant Faye Bryant 5 years ago
      • Definitely! The Grandma, Mom, and Me Saga is a fictionalized version of the lives of three women, Louise (Grandma), Elaina (Mom), and Beth (Me). The stories I've heard throughout my life mixed with some literary license have made these books reality.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Faye Bryant Faye Bryant 5 years ago
      • Goodness, yes!
        A fellow author, Anne Marie Miller, helped me tremendously. She told me to just vomit words. No, not literally, but to just write -- even if it was a grocery list or a note to a friend. The act of writing was important, and sometimes those things had to be gotten out of my brain in order for the story words to come.
        She was right. It helped.
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      • Faye Bryant Faye Bryant 5 years ago
      • UGH! Shutting out distractions. When I sit down at my desk, I need to have time to get into the process - whether it's a character's head, a description of who, what, when, where, and why, or tackling research. Too often I realize I need to balance the checkbook or pay a bill or do some laundry or call a friend and my writing time is whisked away.
        Recently, I've learned to set off one day of the week for just writing. No banking, no bills, no trips, nothing else. It's hard, but it's necessary.
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      • Faye Bryant Faye Bryant 5 years ago
      • Don't put it off! Let the words flow, even if all you do is store them away for a time. Don't quench this talent you've been given, and don't let anyone else stop you.
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      • Faye Bryant Faye Bryant 5 years ago
      • I loved writing stories in school! That sort of went away when adulthood arrived with marriage and child and life in general. Then, one day in 2008, my husband told me he felt like God was saying I was supposed to write a book. (This was totally out of character for him and he felt completely awkward doing it!)
        When I asked him what it was supposed to be about, he said he didn't know.
        I promptly told him to go back and find out!
        What he didn't know was that for months after spending quiet time with the Lord, I had discussed what I had learned compared to cultural issues with God as I showered. What better time to pray, right?
        Those conversations birthed "Ramblings From the Shower."
        Even while I was writing that book, I felt this nudge to write the story of my grandmother, mother, and myself. Our lives are so intertwined with same lessons, same choices, same hurts, it was uncanny!
        Now I'm writing a daily devotion and to be honest, I just can't not write!
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