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Lori  Wayfair

Lori Wayfair

Children's Religion & Spirituality
      • Lori  Wayfair Lori Wayfair 1 month ago
      • Thank you so much. I am now freaking out .. I should have added this , or that.. lol. but, .. I can always do an updatesd version someday or just another book entirely.

        I hope you get a chance to read it and lmk what you think or how it hits you. I could use any reader feedback ! I definitely think my book is unique If nothing else. (And definitely jammed with life changing possibilities)
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      • Lori  Wayfair Lori Wayfair 1 month ago
      • I had a natural, call.. to reading and writing. I started kindergarten in northern michigan at age 4 and it didn't take long for the school to notice I was different. I was tested and I could already read at college level. This started quite a journey in my life.
        Writing has always been one of the only things I connected to naturally. Driven to write. Not only write, but write with purpose. I have spent a large part of my life reading, studying, and writing in one form or other.
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      • Lori  Wayfair Lori Wayfair 1 month ago
      • This is a bit hard for me to pin down. I believe an array of subject matter is most important. I do believe spiritual awareness is being taken away from children, and families. So I'd like to see more of that.
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      • Lori  Wayfair Lori Wayfair 1 month ago
      • It really depends on my physical body at times, my family life, and how much I'm connecting to my project/s.
        When I really get a chance to just go at it I often don't stop for days or weeks, barely swinging family life. I'm on a few day break right now. Much needed. Zzz
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 2 months ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Lori  Wayfair Lori Wayfair 1 month ago
      • Pace yourself. Stress is always counterproductive. Don't beat yourself up too much... stay inspired. Writing is a lot like exercise, take too long of a break it can be a bit harder to get back on track.
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