Hi Tracy. I have wanted to write since I was a kid. Though, I never thought I would actually publish a book. Imposter syndrome was quite high for many years. I still have numerous novels I wrote when younger that are still gathering dust.
What a great question Denzel. I would say supernatural thriller and tv shows. I still go back to some old shows such as "The X-Files" and "Unsolved Mysteries."
Thanks for the reply. I write science fiction and my current biggest inspiration right now is the 100. I was wondering if you could give me a review of my novel, sir. It's a science fiction with a mix of suspence and maybe you could advise me more on what to do for Book 2
This happened during the first draft of Vol II in my Fragmentation series. For the life of me I went back and forth for a few months on how to start ACT II. What helped was taking a step back and writing what I refer to as a flesh-out outline for every chapter. While, some of that was not needed it helped guide me to pick up with ACT II.
Yes, as an indie author reviews come more sporadically then the best sellers or traditionally published. Reviews are subjective and what one person makes find fantastic, another may not. It is good to have thick skin when it comes to less than stellar reviews.