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Abhik Dasgupta

Abhik Dasgupta

Crime Fiction Thriller Mystery Romance Horror
      • Abhik Dasgupta Abhik Dasgupta 5 years ago
      • I'd been writing for myself since my childhood without having the nerve to show them to anyone. Yes, I was an introvert. But then I realised one day that the common characters around me abounded in stories of their own, like me. I started peeping into their worlds and learn about their hopes, fears, pains, loves, struggles for comparison and didn't know when their stories got intertwined with mine. I realised the responsibility I had in getting their stories heard. Perhaps that was the time my writing journey took off in the true sense. Writing is the only way by which I can live other people's lives as myself and look at myself as an outsider.
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      • Abhik Dasgupta Abhik Dasgupta 5 years ago
      • To concentrate more on story telling .. to make it more attractive with fewer, simpler words than long descriptions particularly while writing Young Adult fiction
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