Ask Pooja Malhotra a question

Pooja Malhotra

Pooja Malhotra

Thriller Mystery Women's Fiction Children's Advice & How To
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Pooja Malhotra Pooja Malhotra 1 month ago
      • I believe our stories are the sum total of our experiences - we may wish to express them in any genre, but all stories have a little bit of writer in them. So, my answer would be yes.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 1 year ago
    • When you were young, did you ever see writing as a career or full-time profession?
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      • Pooja Malhotra Pooja Malhotra 1 month ago
      • I definitely saw myself as a writer because I used to write a lot when I was young. And then life happened. So, I guess, in a way, picking up the pen again is more like homecoming.
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      • Pooja Malhotra Pooja Malhotra 1 month ago
      • I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I wrote poems and short stories for the school magazine and narrated made-up stories to younger siblings. Reading and writing have been with me from the very beginning.
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