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Ashe Barker

Ashe Barker

Contemporary Romance Historical Romance Romantic Suspense Paranormal Romance Romance Erotic Romance Time Travel Romance Women's Fiction Science Fiction
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Ashe Barker Ashe Barker 5 years ago
      • Jon Bon Jovi (for the eye candy)
        My mother's mother, Annie, who died in the 1940s, years before I was born. It would be nice to meet her.
        My baby son, Jack, who died aged one day. It would be wonderful to know him as the adult he never had the chance to become.
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      • Ashe Barker Ashe Barker 5 years ago
      • I think I'd like to be more patient, and perhaps a tad more tolerant of others. And definitely more tactful. I tend to say it like it is, and can inadvertently trample on others' feelings. I always feel sorry, and I will apologise, but by then it's too late and the damage has been done..
        I also sometimes wish I'd started writing earlier. I was well into my fifties by the time my first book was published. That said. I do believe that things happen when it's right for them to happen. My life was full of other things, and writing was waiting for me. I eventually found it,
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      • Ashe Barker Ashe Barker 5 years ago
      • Having worked for several years now with some seriously good editors I've learned a lot more about the technicalities of writing. I know what a dangling modifier is, and can generally avoid independent body parts, head hopping and the other common mistakes writers make. Of course, I always have my work professionally edited but it comes back with a lot less red in it now than it did at first.
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      • Ashe Barker Ashe Barker 5 years ago
      • I usually read my reviews when I'm looking for inspiration for advertising copy. If someone else has said something nice then I might use that, or a version of it. I tend to ignore the negative ones. If possible, I like to thank reviewers who give me great reviews. I truly do appreciate them.
        I know some authors get very upset by bad reviews and I do understand that. Your book is your baby, and it is natural to feel defensive. But the worst thing of all that a writer can do is to take issue with a reviewer and argue with their conclusions even if you think they are being unfair. They are entitled to their opinion, even if I profoundly disagree. I can't please everyone, and after all, it's not their job to help me sell my books.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Writing can be an emotionally draining and stressful pursuit. Any tips for aspiring writers?
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      • Ashe Barker Ashe Barker 5 years ago
      • I often hit a sort of wall about half way through a new story. The only way to cope is to stick at it and have faith in yourself. That would be my advice to any new writer too, you're not a writer unless you write. So do it.
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      • Ashe Barker Ashe Barker 5 years ago
      • I think I always wanted to write, but never really had the time. My working pattern changed dramatically about ten years ago and at last I could hide behind that excuse no longer. About the same time I was inspired by the Fifty Shades novels to have a go myself. My very first attempt, The Dark Side, was accepted by Totally Bound and published as a trilogy. That was back in 2012 and I have been writing ever since.
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