Ask Jerold Last a question

Jerold Last

Jerold Last

Thriller Suspense Mystery Action & Adventure
    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 5 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Jerold Last Jerold Last 5 years ago
      • Yes, in all my books. The settings are authentic because with only a very few exceptions (eg, Diego Garcia Island in "The Origin of Murder) I've been there and done that. I sometimes do some research to update local geography, but things feel more real to me if I've been there than if the Internet has. And, all of my books featuring dogs draw on my wife's experiences as a breeder and trainer of German shorthaired pointers.
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      • Jerold Last Jerold Last 5 years ago
      • Yes, I read them all. Bad, good, or neutral, I approach them all the same. Someone bought this book, which certainly gives them the right to have and express their opinion. Is there anything in these comments I should think about that might make me a better writer? I'd rather have a bad review with useful feedback than no review at all.
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      • Jerold Last Jerold Last 5 years ago
      • Writing is hard work. Editing is even harder to do. If it isn't fun, it's even harder.
        "Writing in your spare time, younger self, is the best way to keep it fun. Don't be in any hurry to quit your real job!"
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      • Jerold Last Jerold Last 5 years ago
      • I've been writing and publishing scientific papers and grants all of my adult life (a long time). I've been publishing mysteries for eight years. With 17 Roger and Suzanne series mystery books published so far, I still haven't quit that regular job.
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