Ask Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher a question

Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher

Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher

Romantic Suspense Fantasy Poetry
    • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 3 months ago
    • Congratulations, Chrissy L. Reed!

      I'd like to extend my warmest congratulations on the release of your new book, "Winterworte: Eine Weihnachtliche Anthologie"! It's wonderful to see you sharing your creativity and passion for fantasy stories with your readers.

      As a book artist, interior and exterior designer, ghostwriter, professional marketer, illustrator, and editor, I'm very interested in your creative process and experiences in publishing your book.

      Could you please tell me more about what inspired you to write "Winterworte"? How did you develop the idea for this anthology, and what did you learn during the writing process?

      I wish you all the best with your book and look forward to hearing more about your future projects!

      Best regards,
      Lisa deborah
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        • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 3 months ago
        • Dear Kerstin,

          Your words have warmed my heart! It's beautiful to see authors coming together to spread love and magic through their work. Your anthology, "Winterworte," is a testament to the power of collaboration and the desire to make a positive impact.

          I appreciate your kind response and would love to continue the conversation. Would you mind sending me a message on Facebook? I'd be delighted to connect and learn more about your future projects!

          Once again, thank you for sharing your heart and creativity with the world. Keep shining your light!
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      • Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher Kerstin Stefanie Rothenbacher 2 years ago
      • I read a lot early on and the worlds I was immersed in were just wonderful. I started when I was 13 and short stories on a writing pad passed through the hands of my girlfriends. In school we read poetry in German and that's when I was blown away. My first and favorite poem is by Robert Frost: Nothing Can Stay Gold. I think it is beautiful that there is no single meaning. For everyone, the written word has a very personal meaning.
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