Ask Clare Fryer a question

Clare Fryer

Clare Fryer

Mystery Women's Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult
    • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
    • Hi Clare Fryer,

      Congratulations on the release of your debut novel, "The Invitation: Three Lives, Two Secrets, One Invitation"! It's exciting to see your lifelong passion for writing come to life in this captivating blend of mystery, women's fiction, and fantasy.

      Your background in poetry and short story writing has undoubtedly enriched your storytelling. I'm impressed to see your work winning writing competitions.

      I wish you continued success with your writing endeavors!

      Also, I was wondering if you'd be open to discussing some promotional strategies to further amplify your work and reach a wider audience? I'd love to explore some ideas with you.

      Best regards,
      Lisa Deborah
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      • Clare Fryer Clare Fryer 2 months ago
      • Hi Lisa,
        Thank you, currently I'm not in a position to engage providers for promotional strategies but should that change I'd love to look at ideas. Thank you for asking.
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        • Lisa Deborah Lisa Deborah 2 months ago
        • Hi Clare,

          Thank you for your response! I completely understand, and I truly appreciate you letting me know. I’ll send you a message on Facebook soon, as I’d love to ask you a few questions that could help me tailor strategies specifically for your book.

          Also, I wanted to check, are you available on Reedsy Discovery? It could be a great platform to gain more visibility for The Invitation.

          Looking forward to connecting further!

          Best regards,
          Lisa Deborah
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      • Clare Fryer Clare Fryer 10 months ago
      • My father was my inspiration. My earliest memories are of my father tapping away at his old black manual typewriter. He was a poet and wrote prolifically for most of his life alongside his work and his hobby birdwatching. I loved reading and read anything I could find in the house. Once I'd exhausted my own children's bookshelf I progressed to raiding my parents bookshelf. I loved writing stories at school and wrote some poetry in my teens and continued to write poems as the urge arose through out my life but my dream had always been to write a novel. Finally now in retirement the opportunity arose to focus on writing initially in an adhoc way, but from lockdown it became my escape from the world as I wrote and lost myself in my world and my characters as The Invitation was born.
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 11 months ago
    • Have you ever experienced "Writer's Block"? Any tips you would like to share to overcome it?
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      • Clare Fryer Clare Fryer 10 months ago
      • I try to write even just for a few minutes every day. If I can’t write my main project then trying something completely different can help. A random prompt for example to try and get past the blockage.
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      • Clare Fryer Clare Fryer 10 months ago
      • I read all reviews. Both good and bad will help me develop as a writer. The good ones tell me what’s going well. The bad ones either help me to improve or perhaps they are from readers trying a different genre and it wasn’t for them. It’s helps me to consider genre more carefully for the future. There’s always a positive way forward.
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